Forest Nameko Grow Stick


Forest Nameko (Pholiota microspora)

The Forest Nameko mushroom fruits easily during the colder winter months. We suggest using a Shotgun Fruiting Chamber to fruit this species. For instructions on making a shotgun fruiting chamber follow this link.

These unique and versatile mushrooms have a delicate slightly nutty flavour and make a great addition to stir-fries, soups, and pasta.


The Forest Nameko mushroom is closely related to the Chestnut mushroom (Pholiota adiposa) and is native to the hardwood oak and beech forests of Asia. They have a very similar appearance to the Chestnut, but the shiny orange caps are covered in a natural type of gelatin instead of the scales. While some might think the gelatin is a sign of the mushroom going bad, it is in fact perfectly normal. The gelatinous layer is the reason these mushrooms have become sought after in the culinary world.

They are a standard ingredient in Japanese Miso soup where they act as a natural thickener and flavour enhancer. While they are one of the most popular mushrooms in Japan, they are not widely used in western countries due to their slimy appearance – but they are starting to grow in popularity (for good reason)!

These versatile mushrooms can be used in a variety of dishes including soups, stir-fries, and pasta. They are best grilled, sautéed, or boiled. Their mild and slightly nutty flavour will add a delicious element to your dish.

Nameko mushrooms need high humidity while pinning and fruiting, so we recommend using a Shotgun Fruiting Chamber (SGFC) to fruit this species. Refer to our easy step-by-step guide on how to make your own SGFC.

Fruiting Instructions: Refer to our Knowledge Portal for detailed instructions on how best to fruit this species.

Fruiting months: Winter

Pinning Temp: 10°C – 15°C

Pinning Humidity: 98% – 100%

Fruiting Temp:  13°C – 23°C

Fruiting Humidity: 90% – 95%

Cultivation Difficulty: Medium