Under the right conditions the Chestnut Mushroom fruits readily and is a great option if you’re just starting out in your home growing journey.
They have a delicious crunch and a nutty flavour with a slight peppery finish, providing a unique addition to any dish.
The Chestnut Mushroom is a close cousin of the slimy capped Nameko Mushroom (Pholiota microspora). It’s a wonderful clustering, wood-loving mushroom. These beautiful shaggy-capped mushrooms have dark orange gills. They are a saprophytic and weak parasitic species that grow on living and dead stems of European beech trees in their natural range.
As they prefer cooler temperatures, they take a little longer to mature once they have started pinning. Expect to harvest 7 to 10 days after primordia (pins) have formed.
With their nutty flavour and firm texture, they are a unique and satisfying addition to any dish.
Check out our Fruiting Kits category in our shop for accessories to help make fruiting your mushrooms as fun and easy as possible!
Fruiting Instructions: Refer to our Knowledge Portal for detailed instructions on how best to fruit this species.
Fruiting months: All year round
Pinning Temp: 12°C – 18°C
Pinning Humidity: 95% – 100%
Fruiting Temp: 12°C – 25°C
Fruiting Humidity: 85% – 90%
Cultivation Difficulty: Medium